Monday, August 20, 2012

Ten to Nine

Since the unbelievably hot weather had eased up a little bit, I took the opportunity to take a much needed walk in my favorite walking spot, The Desert Botanical Garden.  I took this shot of the giant sundial and noticed that the shadow was almost touching the number nine.  I looked at my watch and sure enough, it was ten to nine.  That's a pretty darn accurate sundial.


  1. This is such a great looking sundial.

  2. Look at that sundial! What an amazing decoration with all the lovely cacti. I enjoy every photo you post of this desert garden.

  3. It is definitely an Arizona sundial! Love the little cacti! Would be hard to wear on your wrist, though.

  4. I like this sundial. I think it still would have been too hot for me though.

  5. Great idea, I've never seen such a sundial.

  6. Agreed. It is a beautiful sundial. I was telling SWMBO just last night that you must be a docent at the Botanical Garden. Am I correct?

  7. How these are as accurate as they are and how mankind figured out how to make them amazes me.

  8. Now that's a sundial. I love it.

  9. A sundial with cacti! What could be more appropriate for a desert botanical garden.

  10. Love the Arizona sundial Sharon. A sundial is something that is definitely missing from my garden..I will have to amend that.

  11. A very clever way to design a sundial.
