Sunday, July 22, 2012

Amber Clouds

The thing I love about monsoon season are all the interesting clouds we see.  These are from Friday night with one of the Papago Buttes in the foreground.  I was hoping for some rain but, it never materialized.  As I write this, a dust storm has just blown through the valley and there are thunderstorms to the north.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they move straight south and give us a little rain here in the central valley.


  1. and here the sun is finally fiiiiinally shining

  2. I like what you've down with the foreground, bringing it into the shot.

  3. how beautiful, you've even caught a bit of crepuscular effect.

  4. Very pretty. You never know what color the clouds will be.

  5. Fabulous Venice shot yesterday! I was having dinner and wine at Postinos last evening when the storm came in. Great place to watch an Ariz. Monsoon.

  6. Good luck with the rain...wish I could send you some of ours...we're getting it most every day - usually in the afternoons.

    This is a beautiful picture and I especially like the sun's rays shining down on the buttes.

  7. I hope you got some rain. We got nothing but dirt!

  8. I was surprised yesterday when chatting with a neighbor just back from Prescott (8 miles or so distant) to learn that rain had poured down there. Not a drop where I live.

  9. I am only hoping you got some rain. But yes the sky is wonderful!

  10. I made it out of town before the wind and dirt hit our part of town. The clouds this time of year are spectacular.

  11. Truly beautiful and I love the rays of light.
