Sunday, May 13, 2012

Arizona Road Trip: Tucson

I’m going to be away on vacation for a while so I’ve decided to give you all a little vacation from Phoenix while I’m away.  I’m going to take you on a little road trip into southern Arizona.  Heading south on interstate 10 from Phoenix, my first stop is Tucson Arizona.  Tucson is an interesting city with many historic landmarks and colorful areas.  Today I’m featuring photos from one of my favorite areas of town, a historic neighborhood full of adobe homes and buildings painted in bright colors.


  1. It will be a pleasure to follow you. Enjoy your vacation!

  2. i think we're going to enjoy this tour.

  3. The Southwest certainly knows how to use colors!

  4. Can you beat red in a photo? I think not.

  5. The red house is absolutely gorgeous, from the door, to the tilework, to the lush landscaping. Have a nice trip.

  6. Thanks for taking us along! Such beautiful local "color"!

  7. Looking at these homes makes me want a nice cold margarita (don't ask why--I think it's just the festive
    colors) Especially love the flora going on in the first shot.

  8. You will have a great trip, and we will enjoy your photos of Tucson and Southern Arizona while you are gone.

  9. Ah, a trip to Tucson without all the traffic, Perfect!

  10. Love Tucson so I'm looking forward to seeing it through your eyes. Have a great trip and we'll see you when you get back with all of your great photos!

  11. Wow these are some brilliantly painted houses. no wonder the town looks so vibrant.

    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  12. Love these photos especially the top one. Happy Travels.

  13. Love these photos especially the top one. Happy Travels.

  14. This is going to be an interesting tour, Sharon. I have visited Tucson twice and thought it was a most interesting city.

  15. Oh, road trip! I'll buy the pistachios. Love the red on this one.
