Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Old West

After David and I conducted the morning tour at Tovrea Castle last Sunday, we stopped in to the Stockyards Restaurant for lunch.  I featured the Stockyards Restaurant last year in this post.  Boy were we surprised when we opened the door and saw the place full of cowboys and saloon girls.  We were told the restaurant was closed while they were filming in the historic bar of the restaurant.  I asked if I could snap a couple of quick pictures and they said okay but, they weren't about to pose for me.  So, I just snapped a couple of quick shots and got out of their way.
I have no idea what they were filming for but, they couldn't have found a better location for an old west bar scene.


  1. I think they should have posed for you.

  2. I'm really liking your bigger pictures that you've posted the past two days.

  3. haha, what good timing...except where did you finally eat?

  4. Hopefully whatever they were filming did not end up in a bar fight.

  5. You always seem to be in the right place at the right time Sharon! Love that chandelier!

  6. They could have at least looked at the camera. It's not like I see any famous movie stars that might think they were too busy to pose for a quick picture. Besides, your blog could have been free advertising for the film.

  7. I agree with Judy..they seem a bit snobbish or extremely shy and if shy, shouldn't be in the acting business. But what a fun thing to stumble upon.

  8. How exciting, movie making in Phoenix! You'll have to do some investigating Sharon.

  9. What great fun. I've run into a filming, also, and had a great time. I'm surprised they let you take any shots at all! Maybe they figured you were one of the stars! :-)

  10. Not the most cooperative bunch!

  11. What a nice surprise to run into. I'm also wondering where you had your lunch.

  12. In all of the years I lived there I have never seen the interior of the Stockyards.

  13. Boy that's the truth. I have only been there once but it's an authentic place for sure.
