Thursday, March 1, 2012

Theme Day: Electricity

It takes a lot of strange looking contraptions to transform electricity into something we can use.

Once it gets to our homes, all we have to do is flick a switch.

I found this interesting switch at a local restaurant.  I love the one that does "Nothing".


  1. This first picture: one could at first think of a futuristic town with skyscrapers on platforms!
    The nothing is something! lol

  2. Interestingly enough, when I sold my house in Phoenix in 2010, one of items mentioned in the home inspection report was that my circuit breaker box had blank slots. It was suggested that it be removed, the slots covered and labeled. So I guess "nothing" may be a common notation in the electrical industry, although my repairman chose to use the word "blank" for the repaired box.

  3. How on earth can anyone make any sense of such a complex group of wires and coils amazes me! Love the 'nothing' switch. I wonder if it's the same switch men have in their heads when you ask them what they're thinking....'nothing' hahaha! Sorry guys, couldn't resist.

  4. Impressive you could get so close to this

  5. I can almost hear the hum of the power.

  6. Funny how grey all the workings of electricity are and how colorful (think neon) it's expression can be.

  7. Ha! I have a do nothing switch but it's not on my house. :-)

  8. Almost puzzling.

  9. Wow! electricity as always intrigued me--now , after looking at this first pic, it becomes more confusing.

    Great catch!

  10. Those coils and wires always look frightening to me. They don't need those signs that say Danger to keep me away.

  11. Haha to Life Is A Road Trip! Believe her too. I laughed to see that "Nothing" looked to be in the on position. Great eye, Sharon.

  12. Haha to Life Is A Road Trip! Believe her too. I laughed to see that "Nothing" looked to be in the on position. Great eye, Sharon.

  13. The first photo is very interesting and the "nothing" switch in the second photo is unique !!

  14. We have a switch that does nothing - I think i'll label it! Good one Sharon.

  15. Oh the 'nothing' is a wonderful find!

  16. What a funny switch. I think some of my 8th grade students used the "Nothing" one before they came to class!

  17. Top photo is so electricity. I have never seen a nothing switch, cool find.

  18. Your top photo bears a similarity to mine from today.

    Love the "nothing" switch label. I have a couple of switches that I don't think do anything. I keep playing with them to see if I can figure out what they are supposed to be controlling,

  19. Nice theme day shots. Love the second one.

  20. A 'power'ful shot indeed! :-) And the 'nothing' switch was a great find too.
