Sunday, March 25, 2012


The Kasbah is one of the pool areas at the Montelucia Resort and Spa on the border of Phoenix and Paradise Valley.  The whole resort has a Mediterranean feel to it so they tend to use some exotic names to describe the features.  If you click on the link above, you will see a gorgeous photo taken overlooking this pool with the head of Camelback Mountain in the background to frame it.

The patio bar right next to the pool area certainly has a Middle Eastern look to it!  I've heard from some that  this resort has a fabulous spa.  I may have to treat myself one of these days.


  1. This is too strange. I had never heard of the Montelucia until yesterday while reading a deposition transcript about someone who stayed at one of the villas there while repairs were being made to their home. So I looked at their website and now you are featuring it on your blog. That is just too coincidental!

  2. I think if I really tried and pushed myself hard I could find it in me to spend a few days here! Maybe. ;-)))

    A yummy place!

  3. This is very close to our house, as you know, but we have never been there. President Obama stayed here on one of his visits to Phoenix.

    Another coincidence besides Kathy's above is that on Julie;s and my recent trip to Bhutan and Cambodia, a young woman in our group had worked at the Montelucia until moving to Hawaii a few months ago.

  4. Looks terrific, Sharon. Interesting how many coincidences have occurred for this post of yours!

  5. Luxury abounds! You would probably enjoy a day at the spa.


    I just love outdoor canopies.

  7. That is a beautiful resort. I don't believe I had ever heard of it before either.

  8. I'd love a week at this spa... I do like the canopy type ceiling on that patio bar, great color!

  9. Sounds like a good plan to spend a bit of time there!

  10. You have some very upscale, attractive resort hotel complexes in your part of town

  11. Wow! I could take a week here. Easy!

  12. Sounds and looks like a great place.

  13. Never heard of it before... there are so many hidden or not hidden places in and around Phoenix now. It's amazing.

  14. The bottom photo is fantastic. Love the architecture, it reminds me of some mosques I've been to.

  15. Kathy's comment freaks me out...the world is a weird and wonderous place.

  16. Fabulous place Sharon, the link is great. Anywhere called The Kasbah sounds exotic and wonderful to me.
