Saturday, February 4, 2012

Patio Dining

I bet you are wondering what this is.  I took this on the patio of AZ88, a great Scottsdale restaurant/bar.  Those canoe-like structures hang over the top of the patio and are lit at night making them look a bit mysterious.  I was sitting at a table enjoying my glass of wine when I got to thinking that there might be an interesting picture here.  Thank goodness I carry that little point & shoot with me everywhere.  A little balancing on the table top and whallah....there you have it.


  1. Now, Sharon, were you really balancing on the table top..... or was it just the camera?

  2. Very interesting. I can just see you balancing on the table top. Oh, you meant the camera? I know - bad joke for so early in the morning!

  3. Thanks for the explanation. Now I can say that's a terrific photo and I don't have to be afraid of those whatchamacallits overhead!

  4. AZ88 is a hip place. It is close to our house, but Julie and I have not been there in years, although we used to go there fairly often. I wonder what that says about us. Maybe we are not very hip, or maybe we are just workling too much.

  5. Never heard of this place! I'll have to look it up....neat lights!

  6. I never would have guessed what it was. Interesting effect!

  7. Neat shot! You and your little point and shoot do wonderful things together. :)

  8. I love AZ88. These almost look like large cut fries.

  9. A great abstract like shot- wine inspiration?!

    Chrissy at Mancunian Wave photo blog

  10. Very abstract looking, Sharon! Love it! Please come on over to enter it in my 'Weekly Top Shot.' We're on Week #16 and I'd love to see you share with me and my readers! Here's this weeks' link:

  11. Interesting and curious, great shot to share.

  12. Very cool shot Sharon, thanks goodness for the point and shoots! Was the food as interesting as the decor?

  13. I like this place very much more for the decor than for the food though and wow! a very nice parallel here between the aloe blooms and the outside ceiling!

  14. Fantastic! And what an amazing shot, Sharon.
