Friday, January 20, 2012

I Need Your Help

Most of my readers know that I have been working with the Tovrea Carraro Society to help open the Tovrea Castle for public tours.  We've been given a very unique opportunity to receive a $25,000.00 grant from the Intuit Company and all we have to do is get people to vote for us on the "Love a Business" website.  They count the votes by individual email addresses, one vote per address is allowed.  If all of you loyal readers could send a vote, it would go a long way to put us in line for this grant.  The grant would be a gigantic help to us getting this project off the ground.

If you click on this Link, it will open to the Intuit website with Tovrea Castle already selected.  All you need to do is complete step 3 by entering a name (any screen name will do) and your email address (they will not send you spam).  You can also enter comments if you want, but it isn't necessary.  Then click VOTE. 

Thank you for your support.  It means a lot!


  1. Done!

    P.S. Love your photo of the winding walkway up to the castle.

  2. This is a great photo with the desert landscaping in the foreground. I used your link to vote on the website. This is worthwhile to do for a great cause.

  3. WOW! I don't think I need to tell you how much I enjoy this place. :-))) Fantastic perspective.

  4. I've tried very hard to vote, but my computer isn't cooperating with the link. I'll go back to try again!

  5. Still doesn't work; I get as far as "Vote" but then nothing happens.

  6. Same thing is happening to me Sharon, it won't let me finish the vote! It's a fantastic looking place, just think what you could do with the money to make it viable for the public!

  7. I was having trouble until I left a comment. Done deal. :)

  8. Lovely photograph! I voted and wish you and the society the best of luck!

  9. Hi, I voted. It came up saying I loved @Greendodge. Is that the email address?
    It looks like a wonderful place. I never knew it existed in Phoenix.

  10. Wonderful view and grounds of the castle!

  11. Voted and this is a fabulous photo through the cactus.

  12. I voted. Hope you get the grant.

  13. Hi Sharon...the link on Ocala DP has been fixed. No, I don't have any photos on display at the museum but I'm one of the "artists" with Hello Ocala and a number of my photos are posted there.

  14. This place does look grand. Good luck. I voted, too. It wouldn't activate the "vote" button until I made a comment. . . maybe that is where others are having trouble.

  15. Done - I would love to see it next time I visit my daughter in, it gets my vote for sure...

  16. You've got my vote. I hope to visit one day!
