Sunday, November 27, 2011

Forming a Lake

Tempe Town Lake is formed in the mostly dry river bed of the Salt River.  An inflatable dam is positioned at the end to form the Lake that runs along the north side of the city of Tempe.  Here you can see the inflatable dam sitting almost directly under the new bridge I featured yesterday.


  1. i've never heard of an inflatable dam. wow.

  2. I agree... inflatable dam. I'd like some 'dam' information on this concept.

  3. I wouldn't want to be the one that had to blow that thing up!

  4. I did think it was odd when I first heard of it. From my experience, nothing inflatable stays inflated very long.

  5. Well I'll be damned, that's something I've never seen before Sharon. That's what I love about doing this, the fascinating things you find out!!

  6. I really like hanging out buy the lake.

  7. I have never heard of an inflatable dam either - will have to google it!

  8. I would say only in Arizona, but I'm sure inflatable dams are used elsewhere. It is kinda weird though.

  9. Inflatable dam has brought all things to mind and I agree with everyones comment thus far. To me inflatable is temporary, does this mean the lake runs dry at times or why did they choose inflatable opposed to permanent dam.
