Monday, November 21, 2011


This unusual light fixture can be found at a very well known building.  Tomorrow I'll show you where.


  1. Unusual and very contemporary. Curves tend to soften objects, and you photographed it well!

  2. Ooooh, another Monday Mystery photo. I love the concept!

    I also like your contrast between tradition and modern in Friday and Saturday's posts. I don't know that you did that intentionally, but I really like the diversity in the blog.

  3. Very unusual. I don't remember seeing this so I will be waiting to see where this is tomorrow.

  4. It IS interesting. I wonder where it is. I wonder if I have stared right at it and never noticed it.

  5. Great image. I like the tease - but I already know where it is:).

  6. When I saw the thumbnail I thought, "That's a funny place for a ping-pong ball!"

    I'll look forward to your post tomorrow as obviously this is some kind of light...

  7. I sure don't know where it is, but it is well designed. How about a guess? It is part of the fencing for a tennis court.

  8. This shot is very eye-catching. And I'm really curious as to where this belongs to!

  9. I love this light! Can't wait to find out what building.

  10. I think I have a guess. I'll have to wait and see.

  11. Grady Gammage! I know those lights.

  12. Well composed Sharon, looks brilliant against the blue, blue sky, looking forward to seeing what it's 'attached' to!
    I agree that exploring is the best part of most holidays, but for me it's also the fear of being trapped ona sinking ship..I should never have seen Poseiden and Titanic haha!
