Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Industrial Patterns

I took a drive in a part of town I don't usually visit looking for interesting things to photograph.  The area is very industrial with factories and storage facilities all around.  I found an area full of these storage tanks.  There were hundreds of them in all shapes and sizes.  I was immediately drawn to the patterns of the shadows and the stairs that wrapped around the tanks.  In this photo, I love that everything is white except for the dark stairs and the yellow handrail.  I took a lot of photos that day and there is something about them I just love.  So here is the first in my industrial pattern series.  I'll sprinkle a few others around every now and then.

The second photo is the exact same image as above only with the colors turned around.  Not exactly a negative image but an image with the colors reversed and the edges of the shadow highlighted.


  1. This is great Sharon. The shadow looks like a 3D pattern.

  2. Ohhh, this is very very beautiful Sharon, my compliments!

  3. Wow Sharon, I love the white image!!!! The shadows are really incredible.

  4. This is brilliant! What a composition.

    Sharon, I must confess I have not heard of the Gloria wine before, but I did a little search and realized it's produced in the north, the same region where the Port Wine comes from (Douro). Actually, the variety (and quality) of portuguese wines are amazing when you think how small this country is.

  5. What a shot, Sharon! I love it! I hope you'll return to this industrial site often...

  6. Marvelous images so well captured!

  7. Well done and very creative. I love to play with such forms and lines and shadows and Photoshop stuff!

  8. Sharon these are marvelous! I love them both.

  9. I really like these a lot Sharon, great images, love how you've adjusted the second one, but you're right the yellow handrail in the first one along with the delicate shadows is very special.

  10. These architectural images are fabulous. My photography club's next monthly contest is "Patterns." Wish I could find something like that around here.

  11. A wonderful duo, and how clever of you to see the potential!

  12. Oh, this is really nice, Sharon!

  13. These are really good, Sharon. Bravo! I keep thinking that I can get some nice patterns if I keep my eyes open in industrial areas, but so far I have been coming up dry. If I were a jealous kind of guy, I would be jealous of these wonderful shots.

  14. You progress in photographing during the time I follow your blog is amazing. Bravo.
    And also the Thai food cooker? Wow))

  15. These are great they look like pen and ink drawings.

  16. WOW!!! That is amazing. The top shot reminds me of an Escher, took me a minute to figure it out. Bravo Sharon.

  17. That photo looks almost musical! Fantastic find!

  18. This area looks to be a great find, I like these photos and look forward to more.

  19. wow. love it. It's even better large scale. Definitely print-worthy!

    Thanks for stopping by at Juxtaexposed.com

  20. Love, love these photos! The pattern is super.

  21. I love the first one best. I really like how the shadows just fade away. Wonderful. Looking forward to more.

  22. many thanks for this beautiful report an images

  23. F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C shot!!!
    Congratulations, love it! ;-)

  24. Oh, very nice. I shot some similar shadows in Brooklyn last year:


    This is one of the coolest shadow phenomena I've seen! And I like your reverse image too -- makes me think I should play around more with my editing software!
