Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Postcard from the coast

Julie (Scottsdale Daily Photo) and I took a long hike to the beach today to get a spectacular view of the sunset.  The view was well worth the ups and downs and length of the hike.

By the way everyone.....I absolutely love my Macbook!  Making the switch is the best thing I've ever done technologically speaking.


  1. This is definitely a postcard or straight out of "California Highways" (if there is such a publication!).

  2. This is indeed a spectacular sunset. So you're off on holiday with Julie. What fun! So glad you love your mac.

  3. I can see that you and Julie were looking at the same sunset Sharon, fabulous burnt orange colours.

  4. I am glad to see what you and Julie were enjoying on the West Coast while I am back in Arizona working.

  5. Beautiful sunset, Sharon. I am glad you added some interest in the foreground with the large rocks. Too often people shoot sunsets with just the sky and they seem so bland to me. Where in California were you? I was in the beach towns south of LAX until returning yesterday.

  6. Beautiful sunset! I'm glad the switch to Mac has been successful and rewarding.

  7. There is nothing like the sun setting over the ocean. I'm just sayin'. And now you are making me covet the Mac more. Which model did you get?

  8. MacBooks are very cool! That's a classic sunset shot. Worth the work.

  9. Great shot! Glad to hear your vacation is going well and that you're loving your mac!

  10. Glad to hear you love the Macbook...I think that's the way I'll go the next time I invest in a computer!

    What a glorious sunset...the photographer who gets the best pictures is up early and out late and hikes a long way!

    Have fun!

  11. Ohhh, a wonderful sunset Sharon!! Such a beautiful palce!

  12. This is awesome! I am so jealous!

  13. Definitely postcard-worthy! Will have to check out SDP.

  14. Absolutely beautiful. I've seen many sunsets on the beach but none so red.

  15. Oh wow. So much red and black. Amazing! Good job on taking the shot.

    call Nepal
