Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pin River

Back in January, I posted a photo of this art installation taken from a distance because the room was under renovation.  I wasn't sure what it was but, at the time it looked like a huge crack in the wall.  You can see the original post here.  At that time, I promised to go back and find out and let you all know what it was.  Well, I was at the museum on Saturday and happened to walk by it and suddenly remembered that I had never gotten the information on this piece.  It is called Pin River by Maya Lin and it is created with thousands of pins in the wall and they arranged in the shape of the path of the Colorado River.  A very subtle piece.


  1. This is too cool. You can see the northwestern border of Arizona.

  2. Hey, got to admit. Some art I just don't get. About this piece I'd just say... WHY?

  3. Such original idea! Pretty cool.

  4. When I first looked at it Sharon, I though 'what the..' but after hearing what it's all about and obviously a lot of work went into it, it's pretty cool!!

  5. Maya Lin, who submitted the winning design for the DC Vietnam Memorial when she was ever so young is a very gifted artist. I'd love to see this unusual piece.

  6. Oh what you can do if you just have the patience. If I did that it would look like a big pin cushion with no design what-so-ever.

  7. It looks pretty much the same as it did in January. Pin river is an appropriate title.

  8. I just saw your post. On September 2nd Acoma is having their Feast Day. You can't take photo or draw but there will be lots of artists, dancing and food.

  9. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have to admit it doesn't tickle my fancy, but it's not all about me. :)

  10. Today many of your readers are thinking, "I used to stick pins into the pin cushion in a pattern, but never thought of doing so in the shape of the Colorado River.

    This huge installation shows he benefit of he Phoenix Art Museum having gone through such an expansion several years ago.

  11. I am not sure about this one - probably is more effective in real life.

  12. Interesting psychological reactions. When we first see it, we think it is nothing more than a crack and give it no attention. When we learn it is by the esteemed Maya Lin, we give it full regard and begin thinking it must be wonderful but we just haven't studied it enough yet. If you had told us it was a class project by third graders, we would have thought...?

  13. The creativity of some artists always amazes me!
