Thursday, August 18, 2011

One of Life's Highlights

Today, I'm posting an old photo from before digital photography.  Years ago, I had a unique opportunity to fly on a military refueling mission high above northern Arizona.  During the trip I was invited to actually join the refueling technician in the belly of the plane, flat on my stomach next to her (yes, it was a woman controlling that arm) so I could take the above photo.  I have prized this photo ever since.  It was a wonderful opportunity to see our military men and women at work and to see something that only a very few people ever get to see.
I was doing some work to reorganize my photos on to the new Macbook when I came across this old photo and thought it would be a fun photo to share with you all.  I've had some very unique experiences in my life and with a little luck, I have many more to come.


  1. Wow! That is an experience that not many people have the opportunity to do! And it's a great picture too!

  2. What an incredible experience Sharon, you are so lucky you don't have a height problem, although maybe..if I got a chance like this. Nope I'll have to see it through your eyes!!

  3. So glad that you posted this...what a terrific experience. I mentioned before that there was a spirit of adventure behind your sweet persona, and this confirms it. Carry on, girl!!

  4. What a fantastic opportunity AND a great shot

  5. Amazing opportunity. Take them when they come.

  6. Wow that would be something to experience. Lucky you.

  7. This is amazing. I never knew you had such an adventure. Thank you for sharing this.

  8. Amazing photo and amazing experience, Sharon. Just looking at it makes me queasy. I would rather see the pic than do it, myself.

  9. Thank you! I'm quite speechless. Very few people have ever had that experience. And you captured it so well on film! I can see why you treasure this!

  10. A picture to treasure indeed for so many reasons!

  11. Amazing!! I am so jealous because I can't take such wonderful pictures!

  12. Wow - I think I would have fainted! Fabulous.

  13. Yup, I'm with the rest of 'em. Great opportunity, great shot. But better you than me!

  14. Amazing experience and photo. I would have been shaking so badly I couldn't have gotten the shot.

  15. This is just stunning. What a fabulous opportunity. I hope that both of you had something that held you firmly inside the tanker. Just looking at this gives me vertigo.

  16. Fantastic shot! I love that the boom operator was a woman!

  17. What a awesome opportunity and experience! I'm a military brat and have nothing but admiration for our military personnel. The earth below the jet is amazing.

  18. WOW! I'm in awe, what a shot! Brilliant, Sharon.
