Wednesday, July 6, 2011


If you live in the desert, sometimes you need to escape the heat of the summer.  I was lucky enough this past weekend to be invited to join friends at a beautiful cabin in the mountains owned by one friend.  It was great fun with good friends, good food, and cool mountain air. 


  1. Sounds and looks like a wonderful getaway.

  2. Sharon, I've just watched the news of the sandstorm in Phoenix, really really scary! Hope everything is OK with you. What a contrast to this lovely watery scene...

  3. I'm so glad you escaped that awful dust storm! I hope everything is all right back home.

  4. That sand storm happened last night while I was at home. I didn't get to see the huge dust cloud heading my way but, once it hit I looked out my windows and could see nothing but brown. It blew a few things around on my patio but, no damage. I saw the huge cloud later on our local news and wished I had been able to photograph it.

  5. I too stayed inside during the storm and didn't realize there was a(n) [?] haboob until the news later. Pretty spectacular. I'm leaving today for a couple of days in Flagstaff before heading back on my road trip. The cooler days will be welcome. This picture just exudes coolness.

  6. What a fantastic place to escape the heat Sharon, I'm guessing that's a fisherman out there, wonder what he's catching? Gosh the dust storms don't sound like much fun at all, does that happen often?

  7. Julie and I saw a video last night of the dust storm swallowing Phoenix, taken from a helicopter that moved around the wall of dust. We saw the dust storm move across the high rises at Central and Osborn, and then I commented to Julie, "It is now moving right across Sharon's neighborhood." Glad you are OK. Did you get any photos of it?

  8. Hi Sharon, you had a wonderful weekend, such a beautiful place!

  9. That looks so nice! Cool water is what I am longing for.

  10. Isn't it a blessing to have such generous and gracious friends? I love the time I share with Annie at her cabin. What a nice relief this trip must have been.

  11. I just saw the dust storm on the news - how freaky - glad you are okay. Fly-fishing seems like such a tranquil pastime. Lovely pic.

  12. fabulous setting. thanks for sharing a piece of it with us.

  13. I'll bet you need a break from the heat every now and then. This lake looks like a perfect hideaway from the heat.

    Thanks for your comments on HDP today and for your frequent visits. Arizona and Connecticut in many ways couldn't be more different, but both have attractions and the daily photo idea gets us all talking to each other, which is good.

  14. I love the lakes in the northern part of the state. Great shot!

  15. What a wonderful place to escape to

  16. And, it resulted in a very good photo! Magnificient clouds, so typical of the Southwest!

  17. Could this be more inviting! Love those clouds.

  18. Great view of my favorite subjects, lake, woods, summer sky. And the thought - how happy we are to see these beauties.

  19. Spectacular clouds which must be a welcome addition to the sky in Arizona.
