Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cactus, Palms, & the Moon

Things you see when you look up.


  1. I like this perspective. The tops of everything, I guess.

  2. Those blue skies are so different in the southwest compared to the midwest, a deeper beautiful blue.

  3. Cactus, palm trees and the MOON! What a magical, Arizona medley!

  4. You captured lots of images of nature in "full bloom."

  5. You got to keep your eyes on the ground so you don't step in something or off a cliff...but it is good to look up, too, as you have so neatly proven! Is this the calm after the storm?

    I saw pics of that sandstorm. When we lived in Scottsdale in the early 60s, we got hit a couple of times...I could see those big clouds of sand rolling toward us from the Superstitions...and then we'd be enveloped; couldn't even see across the street. We'd try to block windows and doors with towels and rags but when it was over we had sand everywhere. What a mess! Hope you came through it Ok.

    Re your question: the teacup is a garden decoration. I've seen several like this around here.

  6. Great angle Sharon, looks like the cactus are pointing up to the moon.

  7. Nice colors. That's funny, I just got done explaining to my son why we can see the moon in the sky during the day!

  8. Keep looking up! You never know what you will see. I've seen the most amazing thing in my life by looking up.

  9. The moon is just a little smudge in a perfect blue Arizona sky today.
