Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Getting Ready to Dine Out!

In today’s photo you see artist Thomas Blee-Carlyle creating a chalk drawing in front of Copperstar Coffee to let everyone know that they will be participating in the Dine Out for Life event on April 28th. This international event happens once a year and benefits HIV/AIDS organizations. The Phoenix organization this event benefits is Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS but, you can check the international web site for beneficiaries in your location. This is one of the easiest ways to make a contribution. All you have to do is go out to eat on April 28th at one of the participating restaurants and enjoy yourself. If you are in the Phoenix area, check the Dining Out for Life Phoenix web site to see a list of participating restaurants. Other areas can check the international site to find participating restaurants near you!

Mark your calendar and go out to eat on April 28th!


  1. What a great idea for giving!
    I never gave much thought to chalk artists, but just look at the preciseness of that lettering. Reminiscent of the old-time painters who lettered store signs on window glass.

  2. You wont have to twist my arm to go out to eat. That's a great idea!

  3. I saw a couple of gals chalking up a downtown sidewalk yesterday. I bet they were involved in this project.

  4. It's a great idea!! I will have to see where we can go here in Prescott.

    It looks like he is using paint on the pavement.

  5. he is quite an artist
    that together with his fundraising idea
    and you have a win win situation

  6. Great idea - I hadn't heard of it before! Wonderful post.

  7. Thanks for this, Sharon. I'm going to check to see if there is a participating restaurant in the Ocala area.

  8. Hi there, I stumbled upon your blog through one of my fellow followers. I really enjoy your pictures and I thought that maybe we can exchange comments on here. I'll follow you and if you could do the same that would be great :)

  9. Excellent event, going anywhere special.

  10. It does seem like a worthy event. I am not familiar with it.
