Thursday, March 24, 2011

Symmetry in design

The very top of a building at the Steele Indian School Park. When this property was a federally run Indian School, this building served as the dining hall.  The school was set up by the federal government in 1891 and was closed in 1990. 

The smaller photo shows the whole building.  If you are interested in learning more about the Indian School you can check this link.


  1. A beautiful building and such well maintained grounds.

  2. A very symmetrical photo. I checked the link; what is the building used for now?

  3. The buildings have been beautifully restored.

  4. Love the lines here. So simple, yet elegant.

  5. It is such a beautiful campus and your photo's show that very well. I would imagine that there were some good memories but also some bad ones made here.

  6. I love this park. I still remember the old school too.

  7. Your top photo is beautiful with the blue sky for a backdrop. I have a book, "Early Maricopa County 1871-1920", that has some old pictures of the school when it first opened. Really interesting.

  8. It is beautiful and exquisitely maintained. Odd for a building decommissioned two decades ago. So, how is the building used today?

  9. Beautiful building. Sorry the school was closed.

  10. This building is not being used at the moment. There are plans in the future for Native American Tribes to use this building for either a museum or some other type of resource center. One other building (I'll feature tomorrow) has been restored by the city and is now used for public events.

  11. Beautiful building...and lovely photos of it.

  12. Nice looking building and window. Hope it's put to use soon!

  13. It's a great building and I'm wondering why was it closed 21 years ago...
