Friday, March 4, 2011

George Washington Carver Museum

I found yesterday’s statue in front of the entrance to the George Washington Carver Museum.  This building was at one time a high school of the same name.  The museum was closed when I was there and their website says they are only open from noon to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.  I’m betting the majority of their visitors come from local school field trips.


  1. I'm pretty sure this building is on the National Registry of Historic Places. It was on a list of places to go before I left Phoenix. I love the ornate work around the door.

  2. I'm always happy to see buildings put to good use rather than being torn down. It has an interesting facade, especially around the door.

  3. I agree with Brattcat. Nice shot with the trees.

  4. You didn't get "nuts"!
    Smiles...sorry, it's early and it's Friday. It is a beautiful building and I agree with Kate. We need to hang on to some of these historic buildings.

  5. Lovely entranceway - glad they have re-used the building!

  6. I thought this might be the place. I wonder what's inside. It's a beautiful old structure.

  7. I think your theory about field trips is right on...looks like a very nice place...

    I like the statue from yesterday, too.

    He was quite a man!

  8. That seems like a good place for a George Washington Carver statue to be!
