Sunday, March 13, 2011

Butterfly Eyes

The butterflies are back at the botanical garden and this time I took the macro with me and looked right into this guy’s eyes.


  1. Wow. This is extraordinary. Your post today reminds me of a comment that Julie made last evening about her macro lens helping her overcome her fear of insects. Julie made the comment during a delightful dinner with Rob and Mandy of Barcelona Daily Photo.

  2. Big eyes!:)
    Thanks for sharing this unique image. Nice and interesting.

  3. This is indeed unique! You are doing SO well already with your new lens.

  4. Great macro. I noticed the first butterfly of the season yesterday, but it was too quick for me so I didn't get any good photos.

  5. Butterflies????? Up here it's still snow flies! hahahaha But I CAN dream!

  6. My, what big eyes you have my dear.
    Now for some reason, I am craving an orange.

  7. Oh dear...I wouldn't want to be a little bug and awake to that sight! I'd be a goner for sure!

    What a super photo!

    Re your comment on Ocala: The store is called The Gray Fox and it sells all kinds of jewelry and stuff...buying gold is a sideline.

    It appeared to me the woman was looking for some jewelry. Her male friend was trying to be helpful but seemed a little bored...

  8. Fab use of your macro lens! Looks like he/she is enjoying that orange.

  9. Are those blue eyes. What an excellent photo.

  10. Nice one, Sharon. I don't have a special macro lens, so I guess I need to leave this to you and others . . .

  11. Wow, definitely a wow photo, Sharon. Love the shot. What a great angle you got him.

  12. Wow, you can see his nectar sucking thingy!

  13. WOW! Terrific capture, Sharon! I didn't realize they like orange juice... :-)

  14. Wow! This is amazing. Could you tell me what macro you're using? I think I'm in the market for one. If I can get shots like this, then I'm definitely in the market.
