Saturday, February 19, 2011

Urban Scarecrow

This little house sitting on the edge of downtown features a huge garden surrounding it and a great scarecrow to keep the pigeons away.  Last summer I featured a picture of a giant sunflower that I took from this very garden.  I’ll have to keep my eye on the place and see what comes up this year. 


  1. I love what some gardeners do with their space. It must be fun to be able to watch this house and what the garden produces.

  2. It's fun to see such diverse creative expression.

  3. I like how they make great use of limited space (curbside) for their gardening!

  4. If I were in Phoenix my tomatoes would be planted by now. Alas, I'll have to wait another month. But on the other hand, I'll be planting dahlias soon, which is something I didn't have in Phoenix!

  5. That is a cute place. I like the filling station pendants. Is that a carport?

  6. These central city urban dwellers must have grown up on a farm.

  7. That is kind of unexpected. They seem to know how to make things grow.

  8. I enjoy watching garden spaces. Throughout the year I have special drive bye's to see how my favorite spaces are changing.

  9. An odd assortment of stuff. Now your photo doesn't look like Phoenix to me - but what do I know!

  10. What a great use of space and I love the scarecrow!

  11. I have never seen such a high scarecrow-to-garden ratio before!

    Then again, I hardly ever calculate scarecrow-to-garden ratios.

  12. Does he do a good job of keeping those pesky pigeons away? I wonder. He's almost too cute.

  13. I need one of those! :-) So many pigeons around my house...
