Monday, February 21, 2011

New Toy

On Saturday I bought a new macro lens for my camera.  I also bought a bunch of flowers so I’d have a subject to practice with.  This was one of my favorite shots.  The flower looks huge in this photo but, it was only 2 inches (5 cm) across.   I think I’ll be ready for the upcoming wildflower season. 


  1. Beautiful! Looks like you have mastered your new lens.

  2. Congratulations on your new macro.

    You and Julie each have flower macro photos posted today. With you having a new macro, I predict that this will not be the last time that both of you post flower macro shots on the same day.

  3. Amazing! I thought it was a large gerber daisy! I'm looking forward to a macro lens for my birthday.

  4. Have fun. Flowers are so fascinating when we stop and look closely. No wonder painters have made studies of them for centuries.

  5. Oh, I can tell you're gonna have a lot of fun!

  6. Oh, yes, I'm ready for more of your macro flowers. This bloom is a lovely shade and so vivid!

  7. Fun, fun, fun! I will have to dig out my macro lens from the big camera bag and get to work.

  8. Very nice shot. I like taking macro shots. I just bought a 25mm extender on Saturday for my Canon T2i that I bought for Christmas. I'm going to try this route with my 17-85mm lens before I spend the money on a macro.

  9. Wow, I really like the details that you captured here. Enjoy your new toy!

  10. lucky you, i want one. if you get bored with it, send it to me :-)

  11. Nice shot, Sharon. Macros are such fun.

  12. I am looking forward to more lovely flowers shots. Nice one!

  13. Cool shot. Red is such a strong color.

  14. Oh, yes!! You will have fun. I can hardly wait to see your pictures.

  15. Isn't that fun! You are already an expert, methinks!

    I do appreciate your liking our new website!

    Hope all is well with you and yours!

  16. I know that you deserved a new toy, Sharon. Have fun with it. If anyone complains, tell them it is cheaper than a convertible.

  17. Wonderful! Enjoy your new toy! :-)
