Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bird Bath

It looks like an avian bathhouse.
 We may have more puddles like this after this weekend.  It’s supposed to rain again.


  1. The birds do really seem to be enjoying it. Lovely!

  2. Nothin' but snow here... 10 more inches yesterday. ENOUGH! Looks like they're having fun.

  3. Birds always make the most interesting sounds when they're in the ecstasy of bathing!

  4. The best part about rain in Phoenix is that people usually do not complain because rain occurs so infrequently, it is a refreshing change.

  5. I think that one in the air is doing a cannonball into the water!

  6. The birds certainly don't mind having a nice puddle to splash in.

  7. Birds in Phoenix know that when there is a puddle they should make good use of it quickly. It won't last long.

  8. Birds always seem to enjoy a good bath. Nice capture!

  9. Yes, more rain this weekend. Why always the weekends? At least we don't have as many dirty birds around right now. Great shot! I think Randy's right about the cannonball!!

  10. Every bird needs a puddle. I'd expect Phoenix can use a little more rain, right? We've had some rain and it certainly helped green up some of our grassland which had been bit by frost and cold temps.

    Re your comment on Images: Aren't those helicopters rather threatening when they roar down toward the earth?
