Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tricked Out

This tricked out motorcycle with a side car was parked in front of the local Starbucks.  When I stopped to take a photo, the owner came out and said “I love this bike, it always attracts the women”.


  1. `Great looking bike. You should have asked for a portrait of the owner standing next to the bike!

  2. Steffe, you are so right. I thought of that after I had left. I have to get better at asking for portraits!

  3. Hah! Great wheels. And I must remember that line when I get wheels like these.

  4. great eye for this image and i want to se the owner too.

  5. Why stop at asking for a photo of the owner? Why not ask for a ride in the side car? I bet you could get some great photos zooming around in traffic with your camera and head at the same level as bumpers of SUVs and trucks. I think I just answered my own question.

  6. It's an unusual babe magnet. It does make me think of a snazzy car that's local I need to get a shot of to show you though. :)

  7. This bike would attract the attention of just about anyone, I think. I will get in line with everyone else wanting to see the owner. I bet he would have been happy to pose for you.

  8. I've never ridden in a motorcycle side car. Perhaps I should add that to my bucket list!

  9. Cool bike. I would have asked for a ride too. I miss that Starbucks, my old Sunday hang out.
