Friday, December 10, 2010

Insect Family

An insect family residing on a milkweed plant.  You might have to enlarge to see them all.


  1. Looks like a family reunion - almost. I'm not sure they're fighting! ;-)

    Nice shot, for sure!

  2. Like you, I am catching up with my favorite Daily PHotos sites after being away for almost a week. And what a coincidence that you and Julie have each loaded photos recently of tiney red bugs so small that I had never even seen them before.

  3. Great capture! Cute little bugs whatever they are.

  4. I wonder what kind of insect this is. It looks like it is a different kind than Julie posted a few days ago. Those looked flat and diamond shaped. These are rounder and the heads are round. Maybe I'll ask Brian.

  5. how interesting that you and I posted photos this past week on this type of plant and the wierd insects that it attracts. we had these red bugs as well as the little yellow ones on my site this past week. these bugs cluster on the tiny bud on the plant. a whole ecosystem. it reminds me of Horton Hears a Who.

  6. Great close up. Talk about family closeness.

  7. Cozy little goup! (Check Leif's post for this Sat. for a surprise!!)

  8. Cute bugs! Great find and lovely composition.
