Monday, November 1, 2010

Theme Day - Public Transportation

I just realized yesterday afternoon that I didn't have a photo for theme day.  So, on my way to meet a friend for drinks, I saw one of our light rail trains approaching in my rear view mirror.  I held my camera out of the driver's side window while I was stopped at a traffic light and I didn't even look to see what I was taking.  I just snapped.  I was thinking that it was probably a throw-away shot, but once downloaded, I kind of like it.  It has that slight "Tenin-style" tilt to it and I love the giant sun reflection on the building behind the train.

Lately our light rail trains have been wrapped up in all kinds of advertising making them moving bill boards.  It is something the city really didn't want to do, but with the bad economic times, the extra money helps to support the transit system.

<a href="">Click here to view thumbnails for all participants</a>


  1. I'm all for advertising on public transport if it helps. You're right, this is a cool shot.

  2. It looks like you were on Thomas Road, heading east, and judging from the sun at this time of year reflecting off the high rise, it was about 5:00 p.m.

  3. I like it too! The shadow gives a nice contrast to reflection of the sunlight.

  4. You are right, a slight Tenin tilt! And what colours. Don't know that I've ever seen a train this colours. Like it!

  5. very clever and lucky over the shoulder shot. buy a lottery ticket

  6. Very nice! Seems many of the shots that we just snap can turn out to be just right.

  7. Serendipity! Glad you were able to snap this and participate today.

  8. I like train too.

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  9. That's funny - I've had my hand stuck out the driver's window trying to take a kamikaze photo many times. It's always a gamble!
