Friday, November 26, 2010

Blazing Sky

On my drive home from work Tuesday evening, the sky was a bit overcast and then suddenly it started to turn this amazing shade of orange.  I was sitting in the middle of heavy traffic and knew I couldn’t get out of my car so I shot this right out of the windshield. 


  1. Beautiful! One thing I will truly miss about Phoenix are the beautiful desert skies! So I sure hope you keep posting them!

  2. Love it! We get these mottled kinds of skies, also, and the colors are fantastic. Great shot from anywhere but especially through your windshield. (I'd guess your windshield is cleaner than mine!)

  3. That must have been an amazing sight! The picture is magnificent. When things like this happen they can be so fleeting, you have to grab it while you can.

  4. Fabulous shot! It must have made your spirits soar to see such a sky!

  5. This is simply amazing! It reminds me of the cover of some dystopic novel.

  6. Wow!!! How do we spell Armageddon? That sky would terrify me.

  7. Oh my gosh that's unbelievable! Glad you happened upon that as I imagine a few minutes later it may have been gone.

  8. Wow! Was your sky on fire? Sure looks so.

  9. Beautiful sky shot, Sharon! I remember those orange skies from my time in Phoenix.

  10. It is photos such as this that make it worthwhile to carry your camera with you even while doing things as ordinary and mundane as commuting home from work. Looks like you were at Central and Osborn at just the right time.

  11. Ah the old neighborhood. Beautiful shot Sharon.

  12. This is the sunset my mom was telling me about. I missed it. :(
    You obviously didn't...great shot.

  13. Beautiful way to spend time waiting in traffic. Amazing shot.
