Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friendly Encounter

I ran into this desert spiny lizard the day I volunteered at the Tovrea Castle. I took several photos of him, each one a little closer. I was surprised that he stayed there so long with me getting ever so close. I walked away for a few minutes and came back and approached him again, but this time he took off in a flash. I guess one photo session was all he could muster.


  1. Amazing photo! Lizards give me the willies so I would have needed a big zoom lens to get such a shot. It is unusual that you could keep approaching. He probably felt he was camouflaged and remained still so as not to draw attention to himself. He's kind of pretty actually.

  2. This desert guys look fantastic! Great find and shot!

  3. Interesting what was going on in his little head during the photo-session. Very interesting shot!

  4. What a face! I love these little bug eaters. I could use a few more of them in my flower beds. Great shot.

  5. It looks like you got very close to him. No wonder he scampered off after one shot.

  6. Cool photo, Sharon! That would have scared me to death. ;-)

    BTW. . .I love Phoenix. We were there for a Cardinals game last year and are going to try to get there again this year.

  7. He does look like he's giving you his "pouty" look though. You know how temperamental models can be!

  8. Well done! That's not a Gila Monster, I hope! I ran into two of those years ago in the desert north of Phoenix (which is probably all developed now)...

  9. So glad you were able to get your shots while he was still in the mood.
