Monday, July 5, 2010

Emergency Service

What do you do when it’s 106º (41C) and your electricity goes out? You call for help. That’s what happened to me yesterday. I returned from the grocery store and found my power out. The power company discovered that a transformer right behind my house blew out. I guess I should be thankful that I wasn’t home to hear that!

I decided to take a picture of the men at work and one of them spotted me right away and gave me a wave. I hope he sees this because I’d like to thank him for the good work.


  1. Can you imagine doing that job with sweat running into your eyes? These workers who keep us comfortable at their own peril richly deserve our heartfelt thanks.

  2. Glad you were not at home when it blew out! :-)
    Almost hitting 40ºC now here!

  3. Oy vey, I wouldn't want to be those guys. Our AC went out one day last week when it was 113. Other than collecting the money, I wouldn't want to be one of those guys either!

  4. A nice way to express appreciation to the emergency workers who performed such an important service over the holiday weekend.

  5. I used to hate when that happened at night after a monsoon. It made it hard to sleep in the heat. Hope you were able to stay cool.

  6. Hpe your air con is back on

  7. Glad they got you back on the grid! Was it cool for your dinner or did you have to go out?

  8. Nice shot! We forget about these guys until you are facing 113 degrees with no air.

  9. There are so many people who work behind the scenes in not very nice conditions to make our lives pleasant. Very nice tribute!

  10. uggh! air conditioning going out in the summer is dangerous and dreadful
