Thursday, June 24, 2010

Desert Fruit

The saguaros at the Tovrea Castle were laden with fruit and attracting the all kinds of birds. This one shows some of the fruit that has been broken revealing the bright, juicy goodness inside.

The small photo is of one of the art deco light fixtures that grace the patio that surrounds the castle.


  1. The fruit drying at the top of the saguaro in the summer is like leaving corn on the stalk in the field in the fall. Except it is a lot more effort to recover a lot less fruit to try to harvest a saguaro.

  2. Amazing amount of fruit on top of the saguaro! The Deco piece is just lovely!

  3. One of our big grocery stores has cactus pears for sale. Should I try one? They look good but are pricey. Do you like them? The photo is beautiful, by the way!


  4. There's that beautiful Arizona sun we all love. It makes a wonderful backdrop for your two photos. Especially like the sahuaro!

  5. Lovely photos. The sky is so blue. The dried fruit makes me a little sad. I already miss the amazing Spring we had this year.

  6. So much fruit on that one! Must be the cool wet spring we had.
    I love the light too.

  7. Somebody needs to be making jelly. Great light fixture.
