Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thorny Beauty

While walking around in the desert and enjoying the many varieties of wildflowers, I came across this cactus bloom soaking up the sunshine. I love finding these beauties blooming in the wild.

The small photo is a group of bright yellow wildflowers that were growing right at the very edge of the road. I have no idea what they are called but they are certainly intricately composed beauties.


  1. Both photos today are perfect specimans of the joys of spring.

  2. Great wildflower photos. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Love those frilly, delicate roadside flowers.

  4. gorgeous again. i am enjoying your wildlflowers

  5. Lots of color in your post today. Happy pictures.

  6. Really great wildflower phots. I must get out and see these for myself. Motivation!!

  7. Beautiful macros. I really need to work on my macro shots. Photomark is doing a field trip to the Desert Botanical Garden next Saturday. They let you use Nikon bodies and equipment. I'm thinking that might be something fun.

  8. A metaphor of life-- right next to a beautiful flower; a prickly cactus. Ain't it the truth.

  9. I'm always tempted to stop along the road and take photos. I always hope everyone understands. Great color!!

  10. Again, I find these wildflowers a special gift of Mother Nature and something most people, I think, would not expect from the desert!

    Beautiful photos, Sharon!

  11. I just love all your desert shots, Sharon! My cacti are also blooming now! :-)
