Thursday, April 1, 2010

Theme Day – Red

I may have mentioned before that I have special love of shoes. Well, okay….it’s more like an obsession. Whatever! I spent a lot of time trying to think of something unique for the red theme day without much luck. Then I thought of my collection of red shoes. So, here you have it, an assortment of red shoes straight out of my closet.

If you think this is bad, you should see how many pairs of black shoes I own. :-)

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. Sharon, you remind me of someone I know pretty well! :-))) Funny and clever choice!

  2. Sharon, my Mother always said, "Every woman needs a pair of red shoes!" You have taken her comment to heart, and you probably even have more than I do!! Great minds, if you know what I mean after checking my post today!

  3. Are you sure your first name is not Imelda?

    I could never make fun of a woman for obsessing about shoes...I do the same thing with cameras and golf gear...

    Actually, they look very nice. Maybe someday when the theme day is "huge" you could show us your whole collection?

    Re NPR and The Villages...No, I didn't hear it but you've whetted my curiosity. What did they say?

  4. Wow! These are gorgeous shoes and such a fun take on the color red. Maybe the open-toed ones let your little pinkies peek out all painted red!

  5. We have some friends whose motto is, "Once you own three, it's a collection." You have quite a collection.

  6. It's so unfair that we don't wear the same size. Cute picture.

  7. Hmmmmm, think we'd better start calling you Emelda! What a collection. Fabulous.

  8. Excellent! I hope there will be a black theme day soon!

  9. Simply Marvelous darling as Billy Crystal would say.

  10. I love sandals, so I'll choose the pair on the far right. The flowers are a nice addition too!

  11. Very cute shoes...very clever idea...can't wait to see the black shoes.

  12. Uh, is your middle name Imelda?
    Oh. Jacob already picked up on that theme...

  13. I love it! I have never known anyone with so many Red shoes before. Excellent choice.

  14. Yep red shoes are definitely your thing. I'll keep an eye out for any spectacular ones in my travels for you.

  15. I love your collection of RED shoes - perfect idea for RED theme day!

    Happy Easter!
