Saturday, April 17, 2010

Colour Box

This is a public art piece that lines the sidewalk near the entrance to the Phoenix Art Museum. The museum underwent extensive remodeling and enlarging in 2006 and this art work by Jun Kaneko was part of a program called “Percent for Arts”. This program is a legislation that uses a percentage (anywhere from .5% to 2%) of a publicly funded capital improvement project for the commissioning of public artworks that usually reside in, on or near the project being constructed. The artist was born in Japan in 1942 and now resides in Nebraska. He named this piece “Colour Box”.


  1. A calming piece, colorful, yes, but not loud. Very nice capture, Sharon. I also love the vegetation in front of it.

  2. I love this picture - so different from loud street graffiti or dominating look-at-me sculptures.

  3. I definitely agree with brattcat...very calming and easy on the eyes. Great shot!

  4. The percent for the arts is a great program.

  5. Is it made with tiles? It's a nice addition to the grounds.

  6. Nice - it also has something of a Frank Lloyd Wright feel about it.

  7. i like this use of art with function. i think it is great that phoenix had a percentage to the arts as i enjoy seeing arts tied into public projects throughout the community

  8. This looks very 60's and I like it!
