Wednesday, April 14, 2010


My friend Janet took me with her to the last season home game of the Phoenix Suns vs. the Denver Nuggets. I was fascinated by the tattoos on Nugget's player Chris Andersen. He has some strange looking tattoos covering both arms, his chest and on his lower legs. But, that isn't how he got the nickname "Birdman". Apparently he has a habit flapping his hands like bird wings whenever he makes a particularly aggressive play. I didn't see any flapping last night because the Phoenix Suns soundly beat the Nuggets 123 to 101. The Suns were ahead by 18 points within the first 5 minutes of the game and never looked back. A good night for the Phoenix fans!


  1. The illustrated basketball player....hmmmm...what would Ray Bradbury make of this?

  2. I am always curious about the motivation behind tatooing which many of our athletes love. In cultures where this is a common and often revered practice I understand it, but in ours? So interesting how this phenomena has skyrocketed in the past couple decades.

  3. Mr. Birdman looks big! Plenty of room for many tatoos! :-)

  4. My son would have loved to have been there with you at an NBA game! Personally, I think that many tattoos is just...yuck!

  5. Great photo and we were at the game also. what a game. i have never seen so many shots go in one after the other for the Suns and so many three pointers. everything was good about the game. And yes Birdman's tattoos were colorful and interesting

  6. I'm with Kate on this one. But if your ego needs the extra attention and you have enough money to cover youself in ink, I guess to each his own.
    Glad it was a good game.

  7. It seems the more the better...but I'm not so sure about that. I prefer smaller less conspicuous ink.

  8. Sharon,

    We should have talked! Julie and I were at the game last night also. We did not know you were there.

    I made the comment to the folks with us upon seeing the Birdman guarding Lou Ahmundson of the Suns, that "There is a picture you will never seen on the cover of GQ."

  9. Wow, nice picture. Good seats? I haven't been to a Suns game in awhile.
