Sunday, March 7, 2010


Nasturtium, the edible flower blooming here in a variety of colors.


  1. They may be edible, but I have only seen them as a garnish, like parsley. I have never had flowers as a course. But on any question dealing with food, I would certainly defer to your exponentially greater knowledge than mine, Sharon. Except for ice cream. I could probably hold my own on that topic.

  2. Great to see flowers posted on the portal...finally. Hope this continues! I, too, have seen these lovely blooms only as garnish. I think I'll try to find a recipe for them. Reminds me of the delectable squash blossoms!!

  3. A quick check of google brought up nasturtium oil, mayonnaise, pesto, soup, gazpacho, etc. Someone should inform Dave! I'm going to try them in MN this summer after I return!

  4. One of my favorite flowers. I like this collage.

    I have put nasturtium leaves in salads and used the flower for an edible garnish. The leaves are very peppery tasting. I probably wouldn't want to eat a whole salad of them but a few sprinkled in with a variety of greens is quite tasty.

  5. I have nasturtiums in one form or another on both of my blogs this morning! Great minds... I love your photos (as always). I talked my daughter into trying one of the leaves yesterday...too peppery for her.

  6. You have made a gorgous collage with these great pictures!

  7. Beautiful, Sharon. I had a salad with these in it at Sanctuary once. Bo is very creative.

  8. This feels like a spring bouquet. Thank you. So bright and cheerful...and edible too.

  9. Years ago we went to a restaurant near Deland, Florida where they served "edible" flowers. I wonder if these were some of them.

    They are beautiful, Sharon!

  10. So, you couldn't make up your mind which images you liked best, so you "cheated" and put up a bunch of them?

    Seriously, great job -- love the collage.
