Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Corn Grinder

This is another Allan Houser sculpture that is on display at the Desert Botanical Gardens. This one is called "Corngrinder". I am particularly fond of the sculpture.


  1. i have got to get to this art display. the weather is perfect to go to the gardens. thanks for sharing these great sculptures

  2. Oh, I am too, Sharon. This is beautiful.

  3. I think I've already told you that I love Hauser's sculpture. Won't be long now before I start admiring them in Santa Fe. Can't wait! Am not familiar with this one, but I can see why you have a fondness for this one.

  4. The Desert Botanical Garden has another winner. Chihuly last year. Houser this year. I wonder what is next.

  5. This smouth stone is like an invitation for carresses. But this woman wont be easy to lift and to take on a journey trip!

  6. Very pretty sculpture. It looks perfect in the garden.

  7. This gives the phrase, "Back to the daily grind," a whole new meaning!

    Why are you so fond of this one?

  8. Ha Ha...I like what Jacob said. I need to get out to the gardens too. Very nice.

  9. I love this sculpture too. It's very nice.
