Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Striped Blooms

This barrel cactus or Ferocactus has beautiful striped blooms that are very attractive to bees as you can see in this photo.
The smaller photo is a close up of the inside of the blossom.
I am away for a few days so I won’t be able to comment regularly.


  1. Gorgeous flowers and shots!
    Happy Birthday, Sharon, have a great 09.09.09!

  2. these are drop-dead gorgeous!! Wow. Happy, Happy Birthday!!!! You are on a lucky day with a lucky month and year. buy a lottery ticket.

  3. What unique blooms! I hope you are having a great birthday week!

  4. These are terrific shots. Some people would not stay so close to a flying bee to get those shots.

  5. Great close-ups, Sharon! Love the stripes.
