Friday, July 17, 2009

Monsoon Season Begins

I took this photo over the Encanto Golf Course two weeks ago when we had an early monsoon storm roll in to the valley. We had beautiful clouds, some lightening and thunder, and a little bit of rain. Last night we had another monsoon storm with heavy winds and rain in some areas, but not a drop at my house. Over in Scottsdale they had a lot of rain.


  1. There's a rip in your sky!
    Fantastic, Sharon!

  2. None at my house either. What a great photo with the light coming through.

  3. You have to be quick to catch a shot like this. Just amazing.

  4. Definitley looks like a stormy sky. Getting to recognise them this week.

  5. The light of the sky clouds is truly beautiful. Thanks to your visit to my Fort Snelling photo. And you do business here...come again and I'll treat you to coffee!!

  6. Oooh, what a pretty photo, I love the sky here!!!

  7. Looks a little like fire in the sky! We are having monsoon season, too. Loud thunder in the mountains today.
