Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bowling for Charity

I am NOT a bowler so when I attended a charity bowl-a-thon on Friday I decided to snap a couple of pictures because it will most likely be a very long time before I see the inside of a bowling alley again.

I have to admit that the event was great fun and lots of laughs (mostly at my bowling skills). I’m just glad that we weren’t bowling for a prize because I am sure my lack of talent in this area would have throttled any prize winning chances my team would have had.

I do have to admit that those brightly colored bowling balls are a lot more fun than the black ones I played with when I was a kid.


  1. I used to set pins in the days before they had automatic pin setting machines. I still have scars on my shins where flying pins hit them. Lets Make History.

  2. Great perspective of the bowlling alley on the 1st photo! I have never seen such colour balls used to play this game, they made me think of the Chihuly boat full of spheres.
    And you made me smile, Sharon, with the funny way you wrote your post today! :-)

  3. They have treated the lanes nicely with whatever they use. I can see reflections in them.

    I love how you take something ordinary (like a bowling alley) and make a great photo out of it. Good eye.

  4. I don't even recognize the modern bowling alleys and can't figure out to operate anything.

    So, I say away. I like the old pencil and paper way of doing things; and pin setters. I do like the colored balls, though.

  5. I'm trying to picture you bowling. Nope, can't see it. Nice shots.

  6. Good idea and sounds like a lot of fun, even though I'm terrible at bowling!
