Monday, June 8, 2009

Interesting Architecture

This week I’m going to show you five unique business buildings in Phoenix. They might be architecturally unique or they might be distinctive in the way they are painted or designed.

Today’s business is Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center located in the heart of Phoenix. This building was added to the medical center in 1982 and I’ll bet that my Chicago based readers will recognize some characteristics in the design. The architect for this building was Bertrand Goldberg, the man who is famous for the well known Marina Towers in Chicago. His portfolio of projects includes many hospitals in addition to his living spaces and he almost always incorporates rounded shapes and distinctive window treatments.

Goldberg was known for innovative structural solutions to complex problems especially for residential and industrial design projects. In addition to the Marina Towers in Chicago, he also designed the very unique River City located on the Chicago River south of downtown. He has also designed hospitals in Illinois, Wisconsin, New York, and Alabama.

I lived in Arizona when this hospital building was built and remember how impressed I was with the futuristic design. It has a sort of science fiction look to it.


  1. I never knew of the linkage between the design of Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix and the Marina Towers in Chicago.

    THe round design leads to differences in the interior of the hospital. Instead of long corridors, the rooms are located in round pods.

    My wife and her brother were both born at Good Sam, but before this building was added to the hospital complex. When I spent 4 days as a patient in Goo Sam, my brother-in-law came in to visit me and said that he felt like a salmon.

  2. It is an interesting building. Not sure if I like it or not. I have the feeling it will date very quickly.

  3. Thanks for the history lesson - I remember when this was built. Looking forward to your other buildings! I grew up in Phoenix and it's fun to see what's next on your blog =)

  4. Interesting and original indeed!

  5. It's weird and strange and lovely and fantastic and beautiful all at once. I wonder what the inside is like...

    Great shot!

  6. I like this design. And., I was born at this hospital, just like my Dad was born at this hospital.

  7. Oh I really like that building, it's certainly unique! I'd never have guessed it was a hospital.

  8. Nice find. It's a good example for wonderfully weird architecture.

  9. Goldberg's St. Joseph's Hospital in Tacoma, WA is even more similar to this building than Marina City. See about halfway down this page:
