Friday, April 24, 2009

Rosy Walk

Last October, I featured photos from Steele Indian School Park in central Phoenix. I was there this weekend and noticed that the rose bushes were in full bloom. The rose bushes line the central walkway that leads north and south from a central water fountain feature.

The roses were amazing and I’m so glad I saw them before it turns hot and the blooms melt away.

Tomorrow I’ll show you some of the gorgeous blooms.


  1. This is lovely! They look like small 'rose trees'! :-)

  2. That is so pretty, Sharon. Looking forward to some closeups!

  3. That must be a beautiful place to walk. I like to see roses but they are a pain to grow.

    Such wonderful places, so different from where I have lived. The Hamlet of Gordon, Ohio is where I was born and raised and it is how small hamlets used to be and this one still exists.

    The Hamlet of Gordon

  4. I like the way they trimmed the bushes to become little trees. So pretty. Did they have the lovely rose fragrance? Some roses don't.

  5. Hi Judy, yes I could smell the lovely "rose" scent when I got close to the bushes.
