Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birds Eye View

I drove up into the Phoenix Mountain Preserve to get this view of Phoenix looking to the south. The horizon is a bit hidden because of haze and smog but you can just see the high rise buildings along the central corridor and downtown. They look like little bumps between the hilltops to the right in the picture. In the foreground you can see the roof tops of homes that are perched on the mountain side giving the owners stunning views both day and night. The homes in this area are all very large and very, very expensive.

The mountain you see in the distance is South Mountain Park. Visitors drive up to the top to see this huge city laid out below them.

We don't have a Sears Tower or an Empire State Building observation deck but, we do have mountains on the north and south of the city where you can view the city from above.


  1. and the desert area on the mountains looks so brown right now. i like ti better when it is more green :)

  2. It all looks strange and great big to me. I think I was in your town in 1953 and it wasn't much bigger than Tucson and Tucson was about like Tombstone is now. LOL. I really like your photography skills. Did you have to use a tripod?

  3. Great photo! I'll take a view from a mountain over a tower or building any day.

  4. Hi Abe, no I didn't use a tripod for this one. In fact, I seldom use one but when I start taking night pictures I'll have to for sure.

  5. I like this. The mountains and tall buildings in the background are very striking.
