Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Zulu Prince

While at the Public Market on Saturday, I spotted some beautiful flowers that were totally unfamiliar to me. I asked about them was told they are called Zulu Prince daisies. A quick Google research revealed that their true name is Venidium fastuosum. Zulu Prince is much more romantic.


  1. They are quite nice. Each year when I plant flowers I am astonished at the variety and the number I don't recognize. Quite a change for me from the days when the flowers came up on their own or you had none.

  2. I've never seen these before, they are gorgeous!

  3. These are lovely. They have a look of the sunflower about them.

  4. I wonder if there is an exotic story regarding how the flowers go tthe name of Zulu Prince.

  5. These are very unique and beautiful. I have never seen or heard of them before. they look exotic and dramatic.

  6. These are new ones to me. Very exotic.

  7. Wow, the color patterns are amazing. Nature has a large and wonderful palette.

  8. Wow, those are gorgeous. I wonder if they're drought resistant like African daisies?

  9. That's the prettiest daisy I've ever seen. Zulu Prince is the perfect name!

  10. WOW - I love these! Daisies are my favorite flowers, and these are beautiful. I'm not a plant person (I have a black thumb, not a green one!), but I do enjoy taking photos of them. This photo is beautiful!

  11. Love daisies. These are really pretty. I just planted a bed of daisies in my garden last week and they look great.

  12. very nice flowers!:)

  13. Ooh I do like these very much - they must really cheer the place up!
