Monday, March 16, 2009

Red with Mirror

As simple as it may be, this was my personal favorite arrangement at the Arts & Flowers exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum. There was something about the intensity of the red roses and the red tinted water in the vases that just spoke to me. It was designed by Rob Hudachek and John Johnstonbaugh of Flora Bella.

The painting it reflected is called “Red with Mirror” by Liliana Porter. It’s difficult to see in this photo but it depicts a doll or small statue in front of a mirror all on a red background.

This one didn’t win any prizes, it was just a favorite of mine.


  1. The colour of the roses are deep and true. Beautiful arrangement in its simplicity.

  2. Gorgeous. My fav too! I love it when museums do this. I think ours has from time to time.

  3. This is gorgeous! Glass and red roses are a perfect combination!

  4. It would have likely been my favorite, too.
