Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The people of the Indian Fair & Market

Here are some of the beautiful people I encountered at the Heard Museum’s Indian Fair & Market last Saturday. As always, it was a culturally rich experience. I even got to meet an artist I’ve admired for many years. I have two prints of his wonderful work and when I entered his tent space, I recognized his work immediately. His name is Baje Whitethorne and it was a pleasure to finally meet him.
The small photo shows the two prints by Mr. Whitethorne that hang in my living room. You can see more of his wonderful work here. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of him.


  1. Yes, it's great to meet the artists. I love your collage of photos, thank you.

  2. The man and his braid certainly deserve central focus on your collage.

  3. excellent collage! Very nicely done! It is always fun to meet with the artists of work you have and enjoy.

  4. Great collage! I had to enlarge it to see the amazing details.

  5. Great post today. I agree with the comments about meeting the artists. We will at times take photos of artists when we buy their works, and we have bought quite a few things at the Heard Indian Markets over the years. If the work of art shows a place, I will try to go out and take a photo of the same place.

  6. I love this post, so much to look at and enjoy. Oh, to have that beautiful hair! I also saw "Sponge Bob Square Pants" on the chair by the woman cooking. I've always admired those prints. Great that you were able to meet him.

  7. That's great that you met a favorite artist! Love the collage.

  8. Great collage. It really encapsulates the market..I just that braid..
