Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Laser Sun

Over the weekend I saw that we had some clouds in the sky and I thought it might produce a nice sunset so I headed to a nearby golf course to see if I could get some photos. The sunset wasn’t as colorful as I had hoped but, I did get a few nice shots. I especially like this one with the irrigated lawn in the foreground and the sun looking like it is boring a hole in that tree in the middle.


  1. You had a great idea because the shot is lovely!

  2. very nice shot. good idea to go to a golf course.

  3. Great composition on this shot. It really does appear that the sun has burned a hole in that tree. In a few months it might feel that way too.

  4. Very appropriate for a golf course

  5. I bet people in other parts of the country, and abroad, would be surprised to learn about homes in Phoenix that have water rights and water their lawns be being flooded from irrigation canals.

    The presence of flood irrigation explains why some neighborhoods in Phoenix have large shade trees like back East, because flood irrigation is the only way for water to soak down far enough in the desert for the root structure of non-native/desert trees (unless the trees are growing along a stream).

  6. Such a beauty!
    This dim sunlight and glassy water are magnificent.
