Saturday, January 17, 2009

What's on Tap?

Last weekend I stopped in at delux, a restaurant on Camelback Road and 32nd Street to test drive their specialty the “delux burger”. The burger was delicious but, what impressed me the most was this rather large array of beers on tap. I don’t think I’ve seen this big of a selection in a restaurant/bar before. I’m not much of a beer drinker but, I must admit all those fancy pull handles are quite attractive.


  1. This is fantastic! I've never seen such a 'collection'!

  2. I counted 34! That must be a popular place.

  3. Perhaps the handles on the beer tap are so fancy because if the bartender drinks too much while working and has trouble reading or concentrating, the distinctive shapes or logos on the fancy handles will make it easier to select the correct beer.

    That would be like some of the row houses in Bath, England. They all look the same, except some of them have distinctive shapes of hte windows in the transom above the doors so that people coming home at night after drinking can find their own house, even if they can't keep the house numbers straight.

  4. Sure, you went there for the delux burger. wink wink.

  5. Those are so cool! I think they could become collector's items. Only a couple of those beers were familiar.

  6. I'm with Pat on this one, Sharon... hee hee...

    There were several bars like this in Austin when I was in college. I always wanted to pull down all the handles at once!

  7. Ah it's a religon here.

  8. I love that place, do they still serve there French Fries in little shopping carts? My favorite place in that shopping center is the Gelato Spot, have you been?

  9. Those handles are really cool - I've never paid much attention before!

  10. It's a pretty impressive sight, but I guess makes it hard to choose. Nice observation.
