Sunday, December 28, 2008

Valley Metro Light Rail Grand Opening

I took another ride on the light rail on Saturday and had to squeeze into the cars because of the crowds. Lots of people came out for the grand opening celebrations.


  1. This rail car doesn't look half as crowded as the one I got packed into. The Tokyo-like crowds will dissipate after the grand opening weekend is over, but let's hope for sustained ridership even after the novelty has worn off.

  2. I think it's great that it's open and running - and now people can see how this type of public transpotation works.

  3. Well, I think we will wait for those crowds to dissipate before we venture out to take a ride. Chet remembers when Phoenix had street cars and he rode them whenever he went there.

  4. David mentioned Toyko. In Japan they have hired pushers to make sure everyone is in the car.

    I was once on a train in London during morning commute and the perfume from all the women was so strong, I had to stick my head out the door at each stop.

    I'm considering running the length of the 20 mile route. Then I can take the train back to my car.
