Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day, VOTE

Today is election day in the United States. I am hoping there is a huge turnout of well informed voters who have listened to all sides of the issues and made their decisions based on what is good for the entire country and not just some special interest.

I made this collage to celebrate today’s events and it is unabashedly reflective of my choice in this very important election. I am proud to be called both progressive and liberal. My life is fuller, happier, and more fun because of it.

Yes, that is me with Barak Obama and that is my hand shaking his. The photos were taken a year ago at a reception before a book-signing event for his book “The Audacity of Hope”. Credit for the photos belongs to City of Phoenix photographer Bob Rink.

Now, if you haven’t already done so, get out there and vote!!


  1. A lovely series of photographs and great the one of you with Senator Obama. Let's hope tomorrow we can say President Obama. See Menton DP for how my dog is voting...

  2. the world waits to see who you all choose.

  3. Sharon,
    Your photo of the monkeys riding dogs on Sunday has inspired me to post today on my site a photo that you took on a wildlife viewing river raft trip in Costa Rica. Tomorrow I will post a photo of real monkeys in the wild.

  4. Fantastic! Let's hope people log out long enough to go and vote! The world awaits....!

  5. That is so cool!
    By the way, I am visiting from David's Costa Rica Blog. :)

  6. I'm with you, Sharon. Unfortunately, there are too many people who look to see the "D" or "R" after a name and don't educate themselves on the issues.

    Keeping my blue fingers crossed.

  7. I'm glad you're proud of your views. In my business, I tend to hide them - too bad I feel I have to!

  8. Look at you lucky girl! If you got your book signed you might be able to sell it for millions in the future. ;)

  9. nice collage, wish i had a signed book from obama!
    being at his phoenix rally a few months back was so exciting, but shaking his hand would have been an honor.

  10. Great collage Sharon. The best part is that WE WON!

  11. They listened to you and went to vote, Sharon! What a great day today! We are so happy here in France. Finally peace will get a chance again.

  12. I think it's great that you met him. I wish I had gone to one of the many rallies he held in neighboring Virginia.

  13. What a wonderful collage! And how cool is that - that you have a photo of you and our new president? Wow! Exciting!!!
