Friday, November 14, 2008

Art on a Gate

I discovered this art work painted on the gate at the driveway of a large, central Phoenix estate. I’m not sure I grasp its meaning. I recognize the background as Sedona Arizona’s famous Cathedral Rock. In the foreground there appears to be a take on the universal evolutionary representation. I see an artist looking on and a boy taking a peek under the painting. Putting it all together leaves me mystified. Does anyone want to attempt an explanation?


  1. Not sure if it is what the artist intended, but to mee it is about seeking the beginning and looking for the future. The kneeling boy is trying to see what was before the early man. The artist on the right is pointing to the blank space where the next future image will go.
    I look forward to others interpretation.

  2. That'a amazing, especially on a gate! Maybe the boy is trying to find what homo sapiens looked like previous to the 1st mutation... :-)

  3. I can't do better than Mo and JM - just to add I like it, it's intriguing but somehow strange to have been painted at the driveway to an estate. Quite a find for a photograph.

  4. Wonderful art for a gate. It looks like the boy thinks that there must be more to it and is looking to see what's behind it all, pehaps the meaning of life.......

  5. An interesting trompe l'oeil. I'm hopeless at interpreting art. It's fun and appears to have a philosophical message from either the artist or the owner of the gate.

    I've never figured out Dali and I can't figure this out either.

  6. Interesting art and I do recognize the Sedona red peaks because I spend my winters in Scottsdale! Many memories of places I visit here on your blog!
